
stutthof concentration camp guards

SS-Sturmbannfhrer Max Pauly was put on trial by a British military court in Germany but not for the crimes committed at Stutthof; only as the commandant of the Neuengamme concentration camp in Hamburg. Naley odnotowa, e prowadzone w latach 20022006 przez Oddziaow Komisj cigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu w Gdasku ledztwo potwierdzio, e w Instytucie Anatomicznym produkowano w czasie wojny mydo z tuszczu ludzkiego, wprawdzie nie na skal przemysow, jednak do celw uytkowych, translated: One should note that the investigation carried out in the years 20022006 by the District Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation in Gdask (Oddziaowa Komisja cigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu w Gdasku) proved that during the war soap from human fat was manufactured at the Anatomical Institute. At the time of her hanging, Barkmann was 25 years old. S tutthof is 34 km from Danzig and was the first concentration camp created by the Nazis outside of the country of Germany (September 2nd. On a huge hill in Gdansk, the condemned guards including Jenny-Wanda Barkmann were executed on a huge gallows and it was said that around 200,000 people witnessed the executions of the former concentration camp guards.Join us today as we look at, 'The JUSTIFIED Executions Of The Guards Of Stutthof Concentration Camp.' The number of inmates increased considerably in 1944, with Jews forming a significant proportion of the newcomers. Read more:Nazi guard testifies about Stutthof concentration camp, To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video. [3], A range of German organisations and individuals used Stutthof prisoners as forced laborers. What science tells us about the afterlife. Manfred Goldberg was 13 when he was sent to Stutthof concentration camp near the coast of the Baltic Sea in August 1943. Manfred Goldberg's younger brother Herman was murdered by the Nazis but Manfred was eventually reunited with his mother, who was also at Stutthof, and later his father too in the UK. [2] SS-Rottenfhrer Emil Strehlau was sentenced by the court in Torun (Wloclawek) on April 23, 1948, to death for war crimes. Erected in 1939, it saw two horrific epidemics of typhus kill thousands of its already dying population in 1942 and 1944. The Stutthof concentration camp, like every Nazi concentration camp, was an institution for torturing, humiliating and murdering people, a death machine. Concentration camp guard, 93, given suspended sentence in German case - CBC An Israeli witness who survived the Nazi death camp at Stutthof has described how SS guards staged sadistic "shows" to torture prisoners. Bruno Dey, a teenager at the time in question, was convicted of 5,232 counts of accessory to murder. Washington, DC 20024-2126 SS-Aufseherin Jenny Wanda Barkmann - death by hanging 3. Barkmann was sentenced to hang, along with ten other defendants. Stutthof Concentration Camp, Sztutowo - Tripadvisor [7][18], There was a controversy regarding whether corpses from Stutthof were used in the production of soap made from human corpses at the lab of Professor Rudolf Spanner. Stutthof had a large number of sub camps, and prisoners were forced to work incredibly hard some even made aircraft parts for German planes. One prominent inmate and survivor of the Stutthof concentration camp was member of parliament for the Communist Party of Denmark Martin Nielsen, who detailed his deportation to, experience in and ensuing death march from the camp in his book Rapport fra Stutthof ('Report from Stutthof'). While I was standing, she kicked me in my back, causing me to fall. Anyone marching who didn't have the strength was shot," said Mr Goldberg. The trial lasted from March 18, 1946 to May 13, 1946. After beginning her career at the all-female camp, Lichtenberg, the dedicated Nazi used brutality and cruelty to work to her way up to the highest female rank possible, Oberaufseherin, or chief guard. [39] On 28 September 2021, Frau Furchner left her home in Hamburg and failed to show for her hearing, she was captured on 30 September 2021 and the hearing was rescheduled for 19 October 2021. When the guilty verdict came in, she declared, Life is indeed a pleasure, and pleasures are usually short.. Hitler shot his brains out in despair. Stutthof was the first Nazi concentration camp to be established on Polish soil, and the last to be dissolved, it grew from 4 to 120 hectares, from 250 prisoners to a maximum of 52,000 prisoners at one time, the SS staff and guards numbered 1,056 on 1 January 1945. Any woman, even without work experience, could become a concentration camp guard. you are right, they should have been soaked in gasoline and torched right before they were hanged. A 97-year-old former secretary to the SS commander of Nazi Germany's Stutthof concentration camp has been found guilty of being an accessory to 10,505 murders. This week, a 95-year-old woman was arrested in Germany and charged with complicity in the murders of 10,000 people - the first such case in recent years. Six Polish prisoners, known as kapos, who oversaw forced labor within the camp. A 99-year-old who was being investigated on suspicion of complicity in murder as a former Nazi camp guard has died, ending the case against him, German prosecutors said Tuesday. Landmark trial Bruno D. came to the. Twelve were sentenced to death, including the commander of the guards Johann Pauls, while the remainder were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. Herta Bothe a camp guard, called "Sadist of Stutthof". [3] The first executions were carried out on 11 January and 22 March 1940 89 Polish activists and government officials were shot. The execution of guards of the Stutthof concentration camp on 4 July She was 36. Campo de Concentracion Stutthof, Polonia (Concentration Camp Stutthof, Poland). Prosecutors say he was a "cog" in Nazi Germany's "murderous machinery." "Worst of all were the whips.". The land was very wet, almost at sea level. Visiting Stutthof Death Camp from Gdask - In Your Pocket In 1945, she was captured by the American forces after attempting to flee to Bavaria. Nazi concentration camp guard convicted over 5,232 murders Others labored in local brickyards, in private industrial enterprises, in agriculture, or in the camp's own workshops. Edited by G. ukomski, G. Kucharski. Among these sites was the Stutthof camp. The 93-year-old faces 5,230 counts of accessory to murder. What's the least amount of exercise we can get away with? The first female guards arrived in the camps starting in 1942 at Auschwitz and Majdanek from Ravensbruck. In 1962, the former concentration camp with its remaining structures, was turned into a memorial museum. Tragiczny los ydowskich winiarek z Baukomando Weichsel, "Ermittlungen gegen frheren KZ-Wachmann aus Wuppertal", "Holocaust trial: Germany tries former SS guard at Stutthof camp", "German court suspends trial of ex-SS death camp guard", "Prozess gegen frheren SS-Wachmann steht vor dem Aus", "Holocaust trial: Former Stutthof guard on trial in Germany", "Former Concentration Camp Guard Convicted in Germany", "Nazi Stutthof camp secretary flees as German trial starts", "Former Nazi camp secretary goes on trial over murders of 11,000 people", "Itzehoe: Ehemalige KZ-Sekretrin vor Prozessbeginn geflohen", "Imrgard Furchner: Nazi typist guilty of complicity in 10,505 murders", "97-year-old former Nazi secretary sentenced for involvement in more than 10,000 murders", Monografia KL Stutthof (KL Stutthof monograph), Execution of concentration camp guards at Biskupia Gorka, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stutthof_trials&oldid=1135657965, This page was last edited on 26 January 2023, at 01:03. Go and do the same, you BNP piece of sh-t. You are fucking FILTH! Austrian Maria Mandl was one of the most notorious SS officers at Auschwitz, where she personally sent over 500,000 female prisoners to the gas chamber. A total of 295 women guards worked as staff in the Stutthof complex of camps. Row of Barracks at Stutthof Countless prisoners who were left too weak to work were simply murdered. An additional trial was attempted in November 2018, when Johann Rehbogen was accused of being an accessory to murder. Luxury Car Tours. Former SS guard of Nazi camp, 92, to go on trial in Germany [9] The Wuppertal accused denied the allegations and declared that he was not present during the killings, and did not notice anything about it. Koryski was taken from Lithuania to Stutthofin 1944, when he was 16 years old. The commandant of the Stutthof and Neuengamme concentration camps SS-Sturmbannfhrer Max Pauly was sentenced to death in Germany at about the same time. Stutthof trials - Wikipedia Female Nazi war criminals. Graphic! | Pro Death Penalty.com - ProBoards It has been estimated that over 25,000 prisoners, one in two, died during the evacuation from Stutthof and its subcamps. RIDING through the grounds of Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany, Ilse Koch spotted a tattooed prisoner and pointed him out to a nearby guard - sealing his gruesome fate. Thirty-four female guards including Becker, Bothe, Steinhoff, Paradies, and Barkmann were identified later as having committed crimes against humanity. After being tracked down by Nazi hunter Simon Weisenthal, in 1973, she was retried and jailed for life by a Dusseldorf court. About 24,600 were transferred from Stutthof to other locations. Speaking through an interpreter, Koryski said he had seen SS guards put on sadistic "shows" to torture prisoners, includingoneinstance in which a son was forced to beat his father to death in front of other inmates. The Best Medical History Books Everyone Should Rea, The Lovers of Valdaro A Double Burial From Neolithic Italy. [38], In July 2021, a 96-year-old German secretary, Irmgard Furchner, who had been part of KZ Stutthof was arrested to be tried for war crimes. She is accused of having assisted those responsible at the camp in the systematic killing of Jewish prisoners, Polish partisans and Soviet Russian prisoners of war between June 1943 and April 1945. Stutthof. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 99 . A report by the Seventh Army, written by Lieutenant Colonel Walter J. Fellenz, mentions a total of 17 guards killed. Read about our approach to external linking. Those whom the SS guards judged too weak or sick to work were gassed. But as the war turned against the Germans, the camp was evacuated and thousands of prisoners were sent on a death march. Bus Tours. But the Buchenwald Memorial Foundation says two credible witnesses, Austrian prisoner Dr. Gustav Wegerer, who ran the infirmary, and Josef Ackermann, a political prisoner and secretary of the camp doctor, confirmed the existence of the lamp. Jenny-Wanda Barkmann was born in Hamburg in 1921. "We were beaten constantly, the whole time, even while working," Koryski told the Hamburg District Court. Woman, 95, Indicted on 10,000 Counts of Accessory to Murder in Nazi Camp Historydefined.net is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Copyright 2023 History Defined | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. per adult (price varies by group size) Private transportation to the Stutthof Concentration Camp 4 hour. Female Nazi concentration camp secretary charged with complicity in Its unknown why she would voluntarily seek work at a concentration camp so late in the war, but it was likely due to some misplaced sense of nationalism. The 99-year-old was under investigation over suspected complicity in the murders that took place at the Ravensbrck Nazi concentration camp, where tens of thousands of women were killed. All those who worked in it were. The Belsen Trial heard that she beat an 18-year-old girl for eating peelings in the kitchen and, when others protested, she told them, "I will beat her to death." Headsman, you ought to investigate this nutter above who is issuing death threats on your site. Often described as one of historys cruellest women, Elizabeth Volkenrath selected thousands of women and children to be sent to the gas chambers. It was turned into a concentration camp by its second commandant, SS-Hauptsturmfhrer Josef Kramer, and was used to house those prisoners who had become too weak to work as forced labour in German factories. She was sentenced to death, alongside Bormann and Grese, after being found guilty of crimes against humanity. Again, hundreds of prisoners were forced into the sea and shot. Cut off by advancing Soviet forces the Germans forced the surviving prisoners back to Stutthof. Find topics of interest and explore encyclopedia content related to those topics, Find articles, photos, maps, films, and more listed alphabetically, Recommended resources and topics if you have limited time to teach about the Holocaust, Explore the ID Cards to learn more about personal experiences during the Holocaust. Shortly before the German surrender, some prisoners were transferred to Malmo, Sweden, and released to the care of that neutral country. Concentration Camp Secretary Indicted as Accessory to Mass Murder The first trial was held from 25 April to 31 May 1946, against 30 ex-officials and prisoner-guards of the camp. TheUntoldPast has the right to delete any comment with this content inside it and also ban the user from the channel. [11] In December 2018, the trial was suspended, since the convict had to be hospitalized for serious heart and kidney problems. [23] The corpses used for this were not made from "harvested" bodies, and the byproduct of Spanner's work at the Danzig institute was collected. Stutthof | Holocaust Encyclopedia [23][22][29], The main German concentration camp in Stutthof had as many as 40 sub-camps during World War II. [22] Spanner was unlikely to have "really occupied himself with the production of usable soap from human fat", and that any soap production in his laboratory was likely marginal. The remainder were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. How healthy are India's 1.4 billion people? English: Execution of Stutthof concentration campoverseers at Biskupia Grka(from left to right): Jenny-Wanda Barkmann, Ewa Paradies, Elisabeth Becker, Wanda Klaffand Gerda Steinhoff, further the guard SS-OberscharfhrerJohann Pauls(the chief of the work detail "Waldkolonne") and Polish kapos Date 4 July 1946 Source Jenny Barkmann: The "Beautiful Spectre" of Stutthof It was also the final camp liberated by the Allies in May 1945. The original camp (known as the old camp) was surrounded by barbed-wire fences. There was no evidence to link him to specific killings, and though he admitted to serving at the camp, he said that he was unaware that people were being murdered there. In recent years, prosecutors have successfully convicted former death camp guards using the argument that by helping to operate camps like Auschwitz and Sobibor, they were accessories to the. Sadistic Koch - known as the Witch of Buchenwald - was just one of many women who murdered, maimed and tortured Jewish prisoners in the Holocaust. Bruno Dey, a 93-year-old former SS guard at the Stutthof concentration camp near what is now . It is totally illegal, hanging has to be done in a certain way and this was certainly not. He was also tried in juvenile court despite his age, because his crimes were committed when he was a minor. He was executed November 8 in Wloclawek[7][8]. In September 1939, the Germans established the Stutthof camp in a wooded area west of Stutthof (Sztutowo), a town about 22 miles east of Danzig (Gdansk). In total, the sub-camps held 110,000 prisoners from 25 countries according to the Jewish Virtual Library. Grese, who was passing on a bicycle, immediately got off, took off her leather belt and beat the woman with it. Former Stutthof SS guard Bruno Dey, now 93, is standing trial in Germany, charged as an accessory to the murder of 5,230 Jews from 1944 to 1945. . Read more:Poland moves to make it illegal to say 'Polish death camps'. But the former nurse became known as the Sadist of Stutthof due to the vicious beatings she meted out to inmates at the camp, in Nazi-occupied Poland. The 92-year-old Israeli citizentraveled to Germany to give evidence in the trial of Bruno D., a former SS private accused of 5,230 counts of being an accessory to murderat Stutthof from 1944 to 1945. The only survivor who gave evidence in person to the Furchner trial, Josef Salomonovic, described it as the worst of eight concentration camps he was forced to endure. Subscribe to this by clicking this link:https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFortresssThanks for watching! [2], The first Polish war crimes tribunal was convened at Gdask, Poland, from April 25, 1946 to May 31, 1946. [19][20][21], Historian Joachim Neander argued that, contrary to some claims made in the previous years, what the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) calls the "chemical substance which was essentially soap"[22] was the byproduct of Spanner's bone maceration processes done to create anatomical models at the Danzig Anatomical Institute, where he worked and which was not part of the Stutthof camp. Finally, in January 1942, Stutthof became a regular concentration camp. Another prisoner said Bormann grabbed another female prisoner by the hair, threw her to the ground and ordered dogs to bite her so severely that she was a mass of blood. The woman died at the scene. Bruno Dey was convicted of complicity in mass murder there last year and given a suspended sentence, More than 85,000 victims died in the camp out of as many as 110,000 inmates deported there. As the Nazis consolidated their power in the 1930s, many younger people like Barkmann became enthralled by the Fuhrer and joined the Hitler Youth and other equivalents. 2023 BBC. Yolanda Saldvar, The Obsessed Fan Who Murdered Se, 5 Of The Most Infamous Cults in US History, History and Culture of the Blackfeet Nation, Did Pharaoh Akhenaten lay the foundation for Abrah. [14], Stutthof's registered inmates included citizens of 28 countries, and besides Jews and Poles Germans, Czechs, Dutch, Belgians, French, Norwegians, Finns, Danes, Lithuanians, Latvians, Belarusians, Russians, Croats and others. During the Holocaust, the Aufseherinnen were the female guards in the concentration camps. Set up immediately upon Germanys September 1, 1939 invasion of Poland and not liberated until after official German capitulation in 1945, Stutthoff handled over 100,000 prisoners during its long service. Overseeing working parties that left the camp ln slave labour, she would attack women who became too sick or weak. The first Nazi war criminal to be extradited from the US, in 1973, Hermine Braunstein was known as the Kobyla - meaning stomping mare - because of her tendency to kick women to death with her steel-capped boots. Inside of the barbed wire fences, horror and brutality was administered by the SS. Images in the news broadcasts concealed his face for legal reasons. National Socialism is destruction , terror, repression, waste, and death. The girl was later declared dead by camp doctors. American survivor Asia Shindelman, who testified via video link, said she had been taken there with her parents, uncle and grandmother and witnessed prisoners being thrown by guards into electrified fences. [41], In 1999, Artur mijewski filmed a group of nude people playing tag in one of the Stutthof gas chambers, sparking outrage.[42][43][44]. One camp which was established in Poland was Stutthof Concentration Camp, and throughout its time in operation around 65,000 people died at the camp. [1] When the Soviet army began its advance through German-occupied Estonia in July and August 1944, the camp staff of Klooga concentration camp evacuated the majority of the inmates by sea and sent them to Stutthof. Koch told the court the shades were goatskin, and prosecutors at the trial found there was no evidence to prove they were human flesh. Stutthof concentration camp Stutthof was a Nazi concentration camp established by Nazi Germany in a secluded, marshy, and wooded area near the small town of Stutthof (now Sztutowo) 34 km (21 mi) east of the city of Danzig in the territory of the Free City of Danzig. The third trial was held from 5 November to 10 November 1947, before a Polish Special Criminal Court. One witness said: I was working in the kitchen at Birkenau (Auschwitz) when I saw a woman, whose daughter was in an adjoining camp, go to the dividing wire in order to speak to her daughter. Karl Koch was hanged in 1944, for embezzling millions from wealthy Germans and, in 1950, Ilse was jailed for life in Germany, for war crimes. We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. Camp's Commandant Johann Pauls - death by hanging 2. Originally, Stutthof was a civilian internment camp under the Danzig police chief. It was liberated by the British army on April 15th, 1945. [7][8] Finally, in January 1942, Stutthof became a regular concentration camp. More than 60,000 people died in the camp. A Guide to Female Nazi Guards - Holocaust Matters Like many of his fellow inmates, the man would be murdered and stripped of his skin - which would be used to make a lampshade in Kochs home. Stutthof Concentration Camp (Poland) - JewishGen "You didn't know if the officers were acting on orders, or if they did it on their breaks," he said. She died in 1989. [40] On 20 December 2022 Furchner, then 97, was convicted of being an accessory to murder of more than 10,000 people at Stutthof concentration camp during World War II. 'Gorilla Glue Girl' Tessica Brown is offered a wig by Beyonce's stylist after hair disaster gets EVEN worse. Between 25th April and 31th May before the Special Law Court at Danzig a trial was held against guards of the Stutthof Concentration Camp The accused were : 1. Dey was sentenced to two years in prison. After the war a number of war crimes trials took place called the Stutthof Trials, and following these there were a number of executions. In a 2017 book, Holocaust survivor Lina Haag claimed Lichtenberg prisoners were stripped naked and tied to wooden posts, where Maria Mandl would then beat us mercilessly until she could no longer lift her arm., Mandl looked for women who had broken the rules by curling their hair and even one single curl would mean a woman was kicked to the ground and beaten around the head, or she would shave their head and parade them around the camp with a sign around their neck that read: I broke the rules and curled my hair.. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. She was known for whipping prisoners with her riding crop as she rode past and, according to some accounts, forcing them to have sex with her. In total, of the approximately 2,000 SS men and women who ran the entire camp complex, 72 SS officers and six female overseers were brought to justice. Jenny-Wanda Barkmann | Military Wiki | Fandom The sixth and the last Stutthof trial in Poland took place in 1953 also in Gdask. $156.33. At the subsequent trial, liberated prisoners said Grese - dubbed the Beautiful Beast - tortured prisoners both physically and emotionally and enjoyed shooting prisoners in cold blood. DW sends out a daily selection of hard news and quality feature journalism. I wish many more Nazis suffered the same fate. Berlin CNN A 96-year-old man accused of being an SS guard at the Stutthof camp in Nazi-occupied Poland has been deemed "unfit to stand trial." The man, named only as "Harry S.," is. [10], In November 2018, Johann Rehbogen from Borken was tried in court for serving at Stutthof camp from June 1942 to September 1944. There were also Polish Jews from Warsaw and Bialystok, and Jews from forced-labor camps in the occupied Baltic states, which the Germans evacuated in 1944 as Soviet forces approached. Ex-SS guard convicted in Germany's 'last' Holocaust trial [2][5], The fourth trial was also held before a Polish Special Criminal Court, from November 19, 1947, to November 29, 1947. [12] On February 25, 2019, it was announced that the trial is unlikely to be restarted due to the poor health conditions of the defendant. A 95-year-old woman who worked for the commandant of a Nazi concentration camp has been charged in north Germany with aiding . The next three trials took place at the same court in October 831, 1947, November 510, and in November 1929 of that year. German abortion clinics targeted by US-style protests, Belgian court paves way for Iran prisoner swap treaty, Palestinians in occupied West Bank live with uncertainty, Thousands of migrants have died in South Texas, Nazi guard testifies about Stutthof concentration camp, Poland moves to make it illegal to say 'Polish death camps', Germany's Nazi past still haunts the country today. Although the guards at Stutthof were already expected to treat the prisoners ruthlessly, Jenny Barkmann stood out for her exceptional cruelty. The town of Sztutowo (Polish name for ' Stutthof') lies 55km east of Gdask and is easily accessed by both car and bus. [12], The first 150 inmates, imprisoned on 2 September 1939, were selected among Poles and Jews arrested in Danzig immediately after the outbreak of war. 1570: Aonio Paleario, Italian religious reformer 1947: Ding Mocun, not as hot a lay in real life. Who is Buffalo Allina Clinic shooting suspect Gregory Ulrich and who are the victims? Bruno Dey trial: New Jersey woman testifying in trial of Nazi guard At Ravensbruck and Majdanek, Braunsteiner whipped women to death and was said to have thrown children by their hair onto trucks that took them to their deaths in gas chambers. Entry Filed under: 20th Century,Capital Punishment,Concentration Camps,Death Penalty,Execution,Germany,Hanged,History,Mass Executions,Mature Content,Occupation and Colonialism,Poland,Public Executions,Russia,USSR,War Crimes,Women, Tags: 1946, bischofschugel, biskupia gorka, danzig, elisabeth becker, ewa paradies, fascism, franciszek szopinski, gdansk, gerda steinhoff, holocaust, jan breit, jenny wanda barkmann, johann pauls, joseph reiter, july 4, kapos, nazi, naziism, stolzenberg, stutthof, sztutowo, tadeus kopczynski, waclaw kozlowski, wanda klaff, world war ii. Shortly before the German surrender, some prisoners were transferred to Malm, Sweden, and released into the care of that neutral country. Nazi concentration camp in present-day Sztutowo, Poland, "Stutthof" redirects here. A former SS guard wept in the dock on the first day of his trial for complicity in mass murder at a Nazi concentration camp during the second world war . Found guilty by a British Military Tribunal, she was sentenced to death and hanged on December 13 1945, aged 52. He was found guilty and sentenced to death with 11 other defendants. [2], Nine SS men and the Kapo Nikolaysen were executed on October 28, 1948:[4], The third trial was held from November 5, 1947, to November 10, 1947, before a Polish Special Criminal Court. Among the 55,000 guards at the concentration camps, 10,000 were women and they were trained to be every bit as vicious as their male counterparts. Get back into the undergrowth you crawled from, Dave. The SS in Stutthof began conscripting women from Danzig and the surrounding cities in June 1944, to train as camp guards because of their severe shortage after the women's subcamp of Stutthof called Bromberg-Ost (Konzentrationslager Bromberg-Ost) was set up in the city of Bydgoszcz. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. The man had . The evacuation of prisoners from the Stutthof camp system in northern Poland began in January 1945. A practice was established to tattoo the inmates with identification numbers.

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