
damian wayne birthday month

And because my precious daughter loves you." 3. During a stakeout mission, Damian severs Tim's line, causing him to fall from a great height. [45] Robin eventually begins to develop a friendship with Ravager, who initially reaches out to Damian due to their similar upbringings (Ravager's father being the notorious assassin, Deathstroke). He does his job as Robin. Though the two were originally contentious of one another, they bonded closely, forming a brotherly relationship. He was eventually recruited by Rip Hunter to try to stop a madman named Gog from altering his history. He is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul,and thus, the grandson of Batman villain Ra's al Ghul, the great grandson of Sensei and the nephew of Nyssa Raatko. While Damian fights Kalibak, Batman remotely controls the Batwing and sends it crashing into Kalibak, sending him back through the Boom Tube and then closes the portal. [9], Though deeply shaken by the killing, Bruce reacted with compassion rather than anger. [38], Talia begins to clone Damian as she realizes that her son has completely sided with Dick Grayson and the Bat-Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category. Concerning the character's artificial gestation in respect to the al Ghuls' notable idealization of Bruce Wayne as the optimal specimen in leading the League of Assassins, Damian Wayne is warranted to be notably depicted in bearing a stark resemblance to his father. Beginning of comic. Damian and Bruce arrive shortly soon and help Talia defeat Geo-Force, with Damian managing to convince his mother to not kill Geo-Force afterward because his grandfather believed that their family could be better than this. Mara had been made leader of a group known as the Demon's Fist, which was originally supposed to be led by Damian but became hers when he chose to leave the League. [90], This incident has deeply hurt both Damian and his mother, Talia, who had to watch her father get murdered even though he finally made the right choice for the first time in his life and was willing to turn a new leaf for his family's sake. Since Talia is the daughter of Ras al Ghul, the leader of the League of Assassins and one of the Dark Knight's greatest enemies, there have always been tensions between her and Batman, despite their romantic feelings for one another. [16] Damian refused to stay home while his allies were dying, and Alfred allowed him to leave knowing he could not be stopped. Batman Arkham. Damian is shown to have highly advanced engineering skills, as he was able to complete his father's plans of building a flying Bat-mobile, the construction of which Alfred described as "being an endless source of frustration to Damian's father". While searching for a tree for Christmas,[20] Jonathan Samuel Kent accidentally torched some woodlands near a swamp in Hamilton. "You have no intention of giving up your power to another, Father. Sasha, now dubbed Scarlet by Todd, returns and attacks Robin, as Jason attacks Dick, the two duos battle it out until the arrival of the Flamingo, who temporarily paralyzes Damian. I had to satisfy myself that you are a worthy successor to me!" [80] Djinn defeats him by altering his memory, and proceeds to do so with the other criminals Damian captures, giving them new, harmless identities. 3 #22 (2009) reveals that he would eventually marry Nightstar with whom he would have a daughter and son, and his family has inherited the Wayne Estates after Batman's death. Ra's captures the two and tells Batman that he will use one of them for his own body. Near the end of the comic book. [11] It was revealed that Talia had created another clone as his replacement, the obedient fully-grown Heretic. Dick notes that his name is not on the list and Tim asserts it is because Dick is the only one who Tim trusts implicitly. Damian Wayne succeeds Drake as Robin in the 2009 story arc "Battle for the . He carried a pair of brass knuckles, which he incorporated as part of this costume, and would also carry a sword. The car is blindsided by Killer Croc and Poison Ivy, who prepares to kill Damian. This troubles his relationship with Batman, who vows never to kill. In an act of defiance, Damian decides to make the Robin mantle independent from that of Batman and decides to stop Dr. Phosphorus from breaking into Project Cadmus, but fails miserably and is saved by Dick. Damian decides to collect the other Demon's Fist's targets to form the new Teen Titans; this includes Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash. Damian is present when Dick is inducted into the JLA, upon hearing, Damian demands to be inducted along with Dick, but his demands are promptly ignored. Talia is unaware that White Ghost, a former servant of Ra's, plans to use him to resurrect Ra's, which would kill him in the process. It also allows Damian to naturally age instead of grown in a lab, as he was born when Bruce was 29. They were both targeted by a super-villain named Nobody. They were later joined by Batman and Superman, and worked out their differences. Damian's birth was a bit messy, and so is his claim to the Wayne Dynasty. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman. After Bruce Wayne helps Dick and Damian defeat the Black Glove and the Joker, Wayne accepts his son in addition to his role as Robin. Dick then begins to train Damian as to how to properly become the new Robin and the two develop their own unique crime-fighting style. Blood may be thicker than water, but trust goes a long way, and he has barely scratched the surface in comparison to many of his Bat siblings. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Rot in Purgatory 1.2 Leviathan After Tim leaves, Damian starts engaging in chess games with Hush, visiting him secretly against Dick's orders. [84] Despite the book's cancellation, the characters have subsequently appeared as a team in other series.[85]. In Batman and Robin vol. They, too, have chosen targets that they must hunt down to ascend to the League. Although misguided, Damian seems to genuinely want to aid Bruce's war on crime as he is Bruce's son and wants his approval. Along his journey, he crosses paths with Ra's and Talia al Ghul, Deathstroke, and a new character named Maya Ducard, daughter of the late villain, Nobody. Lobdell, Scott (w), Woods, Pete (a), Peteri, Troy (let), Marie Javins, Rob Levin (ed). [25] However, Batman and Talia's tryst was later shown as consensual in Peter J. Tomasi's Batman and Robin, thus the circumstances of Damian's conception can vary depending on the writers.[26][27]. However, because of his possible paternity to Damian, Batman, on some levels, is optimistic about the chance of fatherhood. He may be the most violent Robin, but even Damian Wayne has moments of humanity that shine . Jon later awakened in the Batcave and found out that Robin had been keeping him under surveillance for a long time. Tim, who has been keeping a hit list of criminals and tasks, attracts Damian's fury when the latter hacks the hit list and discovers a hidden layer of allies to the bat family considered potential threats by Tim, including Damian. Upon entering Wayne Manor, Damian attempts to relay to Tim Drake the fact that Ra's has returned. Tim, suspicious of Damian's intentions, does not believe his story and begins a fistfight. Paternity test/documentation via source material, proof of biological relation and established name of the character provided in last panels of comic book. Dick suggests changing the hit list password to Cousin Oliver, as Damian has little to no interest in pop culture references and would never guess it. The later storyline, Requiem, deals with the aftermath of Damian's death and Batman's thirst for revenge against Talia as well as his own increasingly unbalanced mental state resulting from this loss. Despite his bravery and refusal to give up, Damian was impaled through the chest and killed. Deadman then possesses and leaves Damian's body, subsequently passing his knowledge of the attack of the Black Lanterns onto him. Due to the extreme training from his mother and grandfather has, Damian has the skills and stealth of that of an extremely trained assassin. [62] Though Ra's attempts to resurrect Damian alongside Talia in what he thought was a Lazarus Pit in the island, in addition, to brainwash his grandson into joining him afterward, instead Ra's discovers that it is a portal to a Netherworld in the Pit's former location, of which both Wonder Woman and Batman were already aware. Though he sometimes struggles with his past and the legacy of his mother and grandfather, Damian now wants nothing more than to be a hero to the people of Gotham, just like his father. [61], After being preoccupied with a series of cases in Gotham, Batman begins his attempt to reclaim Damian's body despite Ra's claim that he wishes to resurrect his daughter and grandson. He was subsequently rescued by Maya Ducard, the daughter of the villain Nobody, and Damian's pet dragon-bat Goliath. [12] Robin was shown to have faked his death, and is confined to the Batcave at Batman's orders. DCComics.com: Welcome to the Official Site for DC. It differs greatly from most Robin suits. Damian decided to collect the other Demon's Fist members' targets in order to form the new Teen Titans; comprised of Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash. Following the "Flashpoint" story arc, Bruce Wayne was returned by writers as being the only Batman in 2011's the New 52 relaunch of DC Comics. Raised to be an assassin, after being crowned Robin by Richard Grayson, Damian would show tendancies for lethal force. [25] Thanks to the arrival of Lex Luthor and aid from Reggie's super-powered sister Sara, Kid Amazo was taken down. During a fight in a meat factory, Damian converted to vegetarianism and adopted a pet cow who he named Bat-Cow. ", "DC Comics & Deathstroke Inc. #8 Spoilers & Review: Why Does Batman Pick a Side He Doesn't Want to in Shadow War Part 3?! He ends up captured by Ra's and is nearly killed. In terms of the movies in the Nolanverse Batman Begins depicts Bruce's 30th birthday. Despite his intense training to become a remorseless assassin, Damian was sympathetic to his father's vigilantism in Gotham and volunteered to become his next sidekick. Damian then begins to mock Tim Drake for not being chosen as Robin, causing Tim to severely beat Damian, only to be stopped by Dick. "[88][89], After observing how happy both his daughter and grandson are while living a peaceful life without killing, the now reformed Ra's al Ghul decides that he wants to turn himself in to the authority to atone for all the crimes he committed as well as publicly share all the secrets he kept hidden over the centuries, this decision has sparked a huge interest in both the superhero community and the villain community due the amount of knowledge the immortal Demon's Head has about the world, so all eyes were on him during a press conference he held before his incarceration. [17] He flew his exo-skeleton into the center of the battle, where Leviathan had taken over Wayne Tower. Batman and Superman construct an underwater base for the Super Sons, which Jon refers to as the "Fortress of Attitude," much to Damian's chagrin. He particularly clashes with Tim Drake, who he wants to replace as. [47], When Blackbat, Stephanie Brown's predecessor, returns to Gotham, she and Damian are partnered together during a stake-out to catch the Architect, a new villain obsessed with destroying Gotham landmarks. Arrogant, cold and undeniably lethal, Damian found the transition from the unforgiving world of the League to Batmans staunch moral code to be a long and trying process, but a worthwhile one, as Damian ultimately proved himself worthy of becoming Robin at his fathers side. How DC's Other Robin Death Broke Batman Worse Than Jason's Murder. He retains his old black and yellow cape and green domino mask. seemingly killed by Darkseid during a massive invasion, 573 Appearances of Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), 426 Images featuring Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), 76 Quotations by or about Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), Character Gallery: Damian Wayne (Prime Earth). Batman offers a third alternative: the "Fountain of Essence" which contains the qualities of a Lazarus Pit. Happy 13th Birthday, Damian Wayne :) Bunny Cherry. This earns him Djinn's trust, which gradually begins to turn into a mutual romantic attraction. After Bruce's skull was taken from his grave, Damian and Dick decide to bring the rest of his skeleton, along with those of Damian's paternal grandparents, to their base beneath Wayne Tower. Joker accuses Damian and the other members of Batman's family of being a burden that prevents Batman from being the best foe for Joker. Damian then escapes, dons a variant Robin costume made of Jason Todd's old tunic and mask and assorted League of Assassin gear, and fights and kills the villainous Spook. At this, Tim realizes that Damian is indeed Bruce's son, and exclaims "The son of Satan is my brother?"[29]. "Did he do a paternity test on Damian? Damian berates Black bat and mocks her for being sent to Hong Kong by his father, but she ultimately saves his life by rescuing him from the exploding Iceberg Lounge. He is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul,[3][4][5][6] and thus the grandson of Batman villain Ra's al Ghul and the potential inheritor of Wayne Enterprises. As part of the DC Rebirth, Damian is featured in three titles: Teen Titans, where he becomes the team's leader to defeat Ra's al Ghul and succeed Red Robin (Tim Drake) as leader, Super Sons, co-starring with Jonathan Kent, the son of Superman and the new Superboy and Nightwing, where he has a supporting role. After stealing Jason Todd's Robin tunic and mask from his memorial case, Damian's unofficial appearance as Robin was wearing them over his black and white League of Assassins bodysuit with a grayish hood and cape. Deadman later revives the former Boy Wonders. He survives, and Tim pulls Damian into an all-out brawl that begins with their quarry escaping and ends in front of the theater where Bruce Wayne's parents were killed. Talia al Ghul Near the end of the comic. Damian Wayne. Sometime after Batman became a public hero, he fought Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins. Ace has appeared in every issue of Batman and Robin. Tim Drake. His tunic is longer and has a yellow trim as well. Damian Wayne Was Never Heartless, & Batman's Death Proves It. To avoid the bounty Talia placed on his head, he began using the name Redbird and switched to a new costume. After holding a private funeral for the fallen Boy Wonder, Bruce vows to avenge his son's death. Batman agreed and granted Damian the mantle of Robin, his fourth ward to use the name. It's been an interesting few years for the Batman sidekicks. Still, it is highly doubtful that anyone expected literal gods to show up and abduct Damian in the middle of the celebration. How could you not? While the Pre-Flashpoint Damian did not meet his mother until he was eight. When Alfred reprimands him, Damian retorts with a backhanded threat. During the fight, Kalibak beats the team nearly to death, when suddenly Damian knocks out Kalibak with a powerful uppercut; discovering that due to the Chaos Shard he has gained superhuman abilities. Declaring himself free, Damian leaves for parts unknown. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. Coupled by his innate talent for the art and his lineage, Damian became a respected member of the League. Damian and Dick then attack Firefly, who is attempting to kill Black Mask. The two young adults fell for each other and, after a brief fling, they conceived a child. After reading the letter written by his father from an alternate timeline, the Dark Knight decides that it is time to take steps to put his past behind him. Seeley, Tim. In League of Batmen (2001), the sequel to Brotherhood of the Bat, Tallant leads his own team of variant Batmen to combat the plague that was al Ghul's legacy. [74] However, what Damian does not tell his teammates is that a deep cellar of the Titans' headquarters, a former juvenile detention facility, serves him as a secret dungeon to lock away the most dangerous criminals he captures for good, including Deathstroke, Gizmo, Brother Blood, Black Mask, and Atomic Skull.[75]. Mother Wayne decided to create an evil, adult clone of Damian named The Heretic, designed to kill Bruce Wayne. Named after the Shakespeare character, Titus is Damian Wayne's pet, a Great Dane, given to him by his father, Bruce. However, Batman told Damian he had to quit crime-fighting altogether. Damian Wayne is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman. Not wanting to explain themselves, Robin and Superboy quickly left the area and headed back to Hamilton. [87] At the conclusion of the first arc, both Damian's mother and grandfather arrive to aid him in defeating Ruh and in the aftermath of this arc, he returns to live with them in their palace up until the events of "Shadow War. Ra's to Talia. Damian's origin was unknown to Batman. Ra's to Batman. Talia and Bruce's son joins the Brotherhood in his father's costume, to destroy it from within.[23]. Since then however in issues of the Morrison penned Batman Incorporated, the drugging is reaffirmed and is once again part of Damian's origin. But against his father's wishes, he escapes, donning a new costume under the name of Redbird.[54]. He encouraged Robin's darker side and tried to take him as an apprentice. Damian is brutal, egotistical, overly confident, selfish, reckless, and spoiled a pain in Batman and the Bat Family's butt. As the Dynamic Duo, they faced new threats such as Doctor Hurt, Professor Pyg and Flamingo.[2]. Trained by the League of Assassins all his life, Damian joined his father's side in the war against crime by becoming the fifth Robin. Batman and Ra's go in search of the fountain, leaving Tim, Damian, Nightwing, Alfred, and Talia to battle the Sensei. [36] After raiding the Army Reserve National Guard Armory, Dick, Damian, and the arriving Tim Drake, are able to save Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, and the surviving police officers at Gotham Central from the reanimated versions of the original Dark Knight's deceased rogues gallery members. 4 #16. The ensuing melee was abruptly averted when Jon used his Freeze Breath to separate the two sides and allow him to explain the situation to his father. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. He becomes a talented martial artist before his teenage years, at which time Talia reveals Damian's existence to Bruce Wayne and leaves him in his custody in an effort to disrupt his work. He was created by Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert, and first appeared in Batman: Son of the Demon in 1987 as an infant, but was introduced in Batman #655 in September of 2006. Writer Joshua Williamson prepares to pit Damian Wayne against DC's deadliest warriors in Robin #1. The son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne was born to a life of adventure, but he struggles daily against the lesser angels of his nature. In order to properly discipline their sons and teach them the value of working together, Superman and Batman had them undergo a series of challenges. [23] He was later unwillingly recruited by Damian to help him investigate a series of break-ins at LexCorp. However, as soon as the conference started, Ra's was immediately shot by a sniper wearing a Deathstroke-looking costume, who also threw a bomb that turned his body to ashes to insure that there would be nothing left of him that can be resurrected through the Lazarus Pit. Nobody swore that he would return and kill their friends, so Damian killed him with a move Nobody had taught him. Working together, Dick and Damian manage to stop Deathstroke. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Childhood 1.2 Becoming Robin 1.3 New 52 1.3.1 Born to Kill 1.3.2 Batman Incorporated For the first Robin, see Dick Grayson. Damian (as Robin) is then seen teaming up with Dick and Alfred to begin their own search for Bruce Wayne. The solicitation for Truth and Justice mentions a birthday party for him, but all of that is irrevelant because the story is out of continuity. As Dick cares little for the financial problems of Wayne Enterprises, despite inheriting it from Bruce along with Tim, Damian decides to involve himself and manages to impress the board of directors. Victor Zsasz defeats Robin and rescues Black Mask while Dick takes down Firefly. After running away from Batman, Damian gets a brand new Robin suit in his solo series. It has also been shown that Ra's al Ghul has begun to engineer more clones of Damian. Bruce Wayne was first born on April 7, in his early debuts back in the 1930s. Damian and Alfred race to aid Batman against the Black Glove in a commandeered Batmobile. Damian Wayne spends time reading tweets. [67] He then activates the Boom Tube to Darkseid's homeworld, Apokolips, to retrieve Damian's corpse. In Nightwing #153 (2009), Damian is shown being left in Alfred's care and trained by Dick Grayson (alias Nightwing). How could you not? Damien Wayne Wayne Kostyal: Billed height: 6 ft 1 in (1.85 m) Billed weight: 220 lb (100 kg) Billed from: Hampton, Virginia: Trained by: Phil Brown Preston Quinn Tully Blanchard: Debut: August 10, 2002: Damien Wayne Kostyal (born December 18, 1971), better known by his ring name Damien Wayne, is an American professional wrestler. [57][58] Damian's absence has also been causing a conflict between his father and his acting instructor, Carrie Kelley, who is determined to find out what has happened to him, leading her to realize that the Waynes are harboring a secret. He works as a double agent for Batman in Luthor's organization, and thus aligned with his father instead of his maternal grandfather. In the aftermath, Damian is tested by Batman on how to control his new power abilities before Damian returns to the role as Robin. Unfortunately, because of how he was raised, Damian lacks any sort of common sense in regards to social behavior and believes that to be accepted by his father, he must kill any rivals, which included Tim Drake. Damian also leaves a note for the Teen Titans, which contains a set of coordinates leading them into a meeting with Nightwing. Contents 1 Background 1.1 History [5] They were kidnapped by Nobody, who tried to show Batman that his no-kill methods were ineffective.

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