
high quality zapruder film frame 313

The Windshield Switcheroo! Well, this ties in very neatly with what Fred Newcomb found out in Dallas from interviews with Parkland medical staff including nurses. She said she saw Greer shooting back but thought he was shooting back at the assassin. The instructor replied: "It is common knowledge in military circles that Greer shot Kennedy.". . There is only one problem with this: everyone who saw the Doubt," LIFE magazine re-assessed the plausibility of Oswald's sole guilt after inviting Connally to review high-quality blowups of frames of the Zapruder film, . remarkable in this comparison: the red spray of blood in Frame 313 is clearly in front of JFKs head. Before publication, The Globe called me from Florida to make sure William Greer was dead. I will publish on this web page a detailed narrative of much little-known information that will make the case for Greer shooting JFK in a way that as not been previously accomplished. Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. Although there was no sound, the Zapruder film allowed investigators and researchers to establish the interval between gunshots. 12:31:07 - William Greer - The limousine driver, brakes the car, turns and sees he still has a live passenger, and then takes the already drawn .45 Cal. A man who belonged to the San Luis Obispo Public Awareness group, had shown me his copy of the video "Dallas Revisited - The Truth Betrayed," which had been produced right in this county by South Bay Video Productions for Lars Hanson, who narrated the film and some local researchers. A publisher from Germany even called me long distance for 45 minutes to pursuade me to have Fred submit the manuscript to him; at least it would have a printing in German. Soon after Mr. Bannister arrived to interview me, I played my copy of "Dallas Revisited" for him and showed him some 8 x 10 stills I had made of frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film that help show the driver's actions even clearer. And Newcomb has in his book, a photo of medical personnel wheeling a plain looking coffin on a gurnery out the back entrance of Parkland Hospital. He then speeds away. The film had been altered enough to hide the actions of Greer although the gun had apparently been etched or bleached into a highlight, according to Newcomb, to make us think it was just a reflection from the top of Roy Kellermans head, the other Secret Service Agent who was the front seat passenger. For those unfamiliar with the Torbitt Document, William Torbitt is a trial lawyer in the Southwestern part of the United States with twenty years trial experience. Feynman ignored all of the frames except the ones that show the President just What do you think of this photograph and the story behind it? On January 29, 1992, I succeeded in getting a letter to the editor published in the San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune with the headline "Zapruder Film Shows the Ugly truth about Dallas". A red mist that engulfs them both. In the Zapruder film, JFK grabs his throat and slumps forward and to his left oto his wife's shoulder. Feynman found that JFKs Zapruder Film Enhanced - One Frame Per Second Mobilecheese 7.54K subscribers Subscribe Like Save 86K views 11 years ago Notice Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) Comments are. Earlier, when the Dallas Coronor sought to open the casket to do an autopsy in Dallas, it was Roy Kellerman who pulled a gun on him to stop him. This was possibly to distract Nellie. I'll be writing a separate article highlighting the major discrepancies and discoveries presented at that conference. Kellerman is lying through his teeth to save his butt! Letters| Sodom-LGBT Exp'd | 21 Illuminati Goals|Strawman Explained | Daily Blog | | Hydrogen Peroxide | Protocols of Zion | Eric Jon Phelps Exposed On page 215 of his book "Behold a Pale Horse," the late William Cooper says that "all of the witnesses who were close enough to the car to see William Greer shoot Kennedy" were themselves murdered within two years of the event. 3. 1963 (http://www.jfk-online.com/emroberts.html). Frame 313. Transcript of Hard Copy narration of zapruder film, broadcast 11-21-91 - "The Final Frames, "Despite the theories, despite the movie scripts, the answers to who shot President Kennedy are right here in this film shot by a Dallas business man. .While other shooters were present in Dealey Plaza and did shoot at the limo, the two bullets that hit JFK and the one bullet that hit Connally in the back, ALL came from Secret Service limo driver William Greer's gun. var sc_invisible=0; This timeline of events during the JFK assasination was compiled from "The Torbitt Document", "High Treason" by Robert J. Groden and Harrison Edward Livingstone, and "Murder from Within," by Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams. Roy Kellerman & William Greer (with bare hands on the wheel) at the beginning of the motorcase through Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. Costella Combined Edit Frames (updated 2006) Click on a frame number below to view the corresponding frame of the film, or click here to download all 486 frames in a single ZIP file (119 MB). DU considers the following characteristics in the credit report to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers who have traditional credit histories: credit history, delinquent accounts, installment accounts, revolving credit utilization, public records, foreclosures, collection accounts, and inquiries. And one can see why because the words of one rejecting publisher was tha t "it is mind shattering." Thank you for your understanding, The products made of high quality stainless steel material. New information and experts cover current updates on the saga that shocked America and changed history as we still have no answers to the truth. Of course, Bill Cooper saw the ONI report likely in the early 1970's, so he was privy to the info for a long time before Larry I'm sure, but publication is what counts, so I don't want to take anything away from Larry's efforts either. FRAME 313: THE JFK ASSASSINATION THEORIES (11) 6.5 1 h 54 min NR Examine the evidence of the most famous murder case in American History, with new interviews from expert investigators, researchers, and doctors, combined with the accounts of former FBI Agents, CIA operatives and KGB members. It would appear that he had an established agenda. by going one more. What really matters in understanding all of this is that the president's body was a roadmap to what really happened and that the wound alteration DID TAKE PLACE, to create a body with rear entrance wounds that agrees with a Warren Commission report not even written yet. I wrote the original letter to the editor because I was upset by the hard knocks that Oliver Stone was getting for producing the film "JFK" for even sugguesting a larger conspiracy. After that he put a condition that the Frame 313 will not be made public. For a detailed discussion of the two caskets and their different arrival times, follow this link: http://www.jfklancer.com/backes/horne/Backes2b.html. Mr. Newcomb felt his book made the case for the limousine driver shooting JFK so well that he sent copies of the book to the 1975 Congress and Senate because he felt he would be guilty of "obstruction of justtice" if he did not do so. became the mystery. Newcomb found out from his research that within 48 hours of the assassination before Oswald was arrested, the FBI questioned both Greer and Kellerman, treating them like suspects. those frames.) http://educate-yourself.org/cn/The-Video-Documentary-JFK-to-911-Everything-Is-A-Rich-Mans-Trick-is-Itself-a-Trick19nov16.shtml#top, Part 1, New 3.5 Hour Documentary, JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick, While Flawed, Presents Valuable Historic Insights into NWO Elite Machinations (Jan. 14, 2015) The red arrow in the photo below indicates the trajectory of the brain matter following the bullet out of Kennedy's head. . He leaves right away and is later seen in the basement of the Dallas Police Department hoping to "secure two of his employees." Box and phone number on the ad form. Conally carried a pistol strapped to his ankle. Were there two shots? Soon after my letter appeared in The New Times, I got a long distance phone call from San Jose coming from Paul Bannister, a writer fothe "Globe" tabloid paper. Source: taped interview with Fred Newcomb. Since posting this article on August 8, 2007, I've since discovered that the Zapruder film had been doctored to a far greater extent than I had originally thought. which exposed his right temple to the front of the car. A millisecond following Kennedy's head burst shot, Greer begins to withdraw the gun towards his left side. The most well-known of those is a 26-second clip captured by Abraham Zapruder, a businessman who worked across the street from where Kennedy was killed. wound described by eyewitnesses and the doctors that treated JFK in, We can see the problem just Answer (1 of 5): Neither do any conspiracy theorists, who refuse to listen to extremely experienced pathologists, even those with a career full of battlefield injuries. [ Ken Adachi Update, Nov, 22, 2013: Larry Jamison was working with the best info he had at the time in compiling this timeline for his article, but we now know that the statements made below concerning what happened between 12:29 PM and 12:31:02 PM are inaccurate. Although it is not the only film of the shooting, the Zapruder film has been described as being . His work is an enlargement of a working paper furnished to him by two government agents - one with the Customs department and the other from the Narcotics Bureau. (or both) have to be forgeries. Connally was blocking Greer's line of fire to shoot JFK again, so he had to shoot Connally to get him out of the way]. chapter in The Great Zapruder Film Hoax is There is only one problem Magic is performed with smoke and mirrors and the distraction of "Badgeman," (whose actual location in Oliver Stones "JFK" was shifted to agree with a frontal head shot from the fence area) is a good example of that. Could there be some other physics explanation for this strange phenomenon? New! right. Zapruder film. My personal mail problems! His 75 angle could not have been the fatal shot as many claim because JFK has not been slammed back against the seat nor is there any spray of blood visible in the Moorman Polaroid from which the badgeman image is taken. Mr. Newcomb was able to locate witnesses including a journalist and a Dallas Policeman who all stated emphatically that the limousine windshield had a bullet hole in it "that you could stick a pencil through." More details available at this link: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/drivergreershotbothjfkandconnally05feb13.shtml ]. yet another method: Frame 312 was, You can also see something |Guiding Principles | Global Warming |Gang Stalking | Monoatomic Gold Search. These are the little known facts that explain why the coffin had to be empty and why Secret Service agents had to pull their guns to prevent the Dallas Coroner from opening it: A secret service agent was running around the hospital asking for a "basket, casket or a bag - anything to put a body in.". Mary Moorman - school teacher standing next to Jean Hill. I later confirmed the chopper sighting with Amy. The Davis Report An indepth photo journal and analysis of the Patterson Sasquatch film. According to Larry Jamison, it was Greer and Kellerman who arranged to hide Kennedy's body inside a military coffin that was taken out the back of Parkland Hospital. The Zapruder film consists of 486 frames (about 6 feet) of 8mm film exposed over the course of 26.6 seconds at 18.3 frames per second. Moments after the shooting and the motorcade has sped away to the hospital, people are still frozen in place looking in the direction of the origin of the shot. On 6th December, 1963, Paul Mandel wrote an article about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. engineering physics. Follow this link to read the article of a researcher/author who says this is absolutely true! Again, assasinations are 'allowed' to happen. It shows the moment when the bullet hit the President and exploded his head. Notice the "height" of Kellerman's hair in the above 3 photo enlargements and then notice the 'height' of Kellerman's hair in the enlarged photo below at the moment of Greer's 'head shot'. The "lone gunman" theory or conspiracy theory: it all depends on the origin of this shot. Such visits and crowd contact was especially useful during the run-up to a presidential election. This is Abraham Zapruder's full 8mm film of LONE GUNMAN Lee Harvey Oswald's assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Todays photograph is the frame number 313 from Zapruders footage which shows the Presidents head exploding after being hit by the bullet. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/cooperkennedyassassination23may89.shtml#top, Jim Marrs: Another JFK Gatekeeper Shows His Colors (Updated, Sep. 26, 2010) This vid cap of frame 313 of the Zapruder film sickens some people when they realize that this clearly shows Secret Service Agent William Greer, shooting JFK. In these frames the top of the limousine door goes from 6.1 inches above the bottom of the frame to 19.3 inches above the bottom in less than 110 milliseconds. the red spray of blood force his head backwards, like a jet engine? A motorcycle. He then withdrew the automatic to his left side, leaned forward a bit and sped off. The 1963 Zapruder film, taken by Abraham Zapruder, is derived from the six-foot strip of celluloid contained in the U.S. National Archives, scientifically processed. credence: the head wound shown on the Zapruder film does not at all match the Frame 313 of the Zapruder Film, 1963 (Photo courtesy of: TIME: 100 Photos) A grassy field. A weekend conference took place a few years ago that dealt almost exclusively with the doctoring of the Zapruder film. (Link). But the other, the doctor reported, entered the President's throat from the front and then lodged in his body. The choppers made by Bell, as you can see, were major assets in the Vietnam war following the JFK assination. Greer turns his head to take aim at Kennedy. What's more, it was on the driver's side of the windshield" (this clearly shows in the Betzner photograph,) What does this possibly mean ? When Zapruder sold the film to Life he asked that frame 313 not be shown because that's the one that gave him nightmares and he didn't want to be responsible for giving the world nightmares and Life went along with that for years.

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